Das adaptive Lichtschnittverfahren zur Oberflaechenrekonstruktion mittels Laserlicht (bibtex)
by Christian Liska
This thesis describes a system, which allows a dynamic acquisition of the viewable surface of an object. Starting from the mathematic and geometric modeling of the acquisition process, an acquisition system is developed and the calibration process of the equipment used, consisting a turntable, a CCD camera and two laserdiodes, is described. After this, the surface reconstruction and the determination of the real 3d object coordinates out of their 2d projection in the camera plane is derived. Based on this fundamentals, a Next View Planning Technique is motivated and an adaptive algorithm is specified. The thesis concludes with expermimental results and an outlook on future work.
Das adaptive Lichtschnittverfahren zur Oberflaechenrekonstruktion mittels Laserlicht (Christian Liska), Technical report, PRIP, TU Wien, 1999.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =	 "Christian Liska",
  institution =	 "PRIP, TU Wien",
  number =	 "PRIP-TR-055",
  title =	 "Das adaptive {L}ichtschnittverfahren zur
                  {O}berflaechenrekonstruktion mittels Laserlicht",
  year =	 "1999",
  url =		 "https://www.prip.tuwien.ac.at/pripfiles/trs/tr55.pdf",
  abstract =	 "This thesis describes a system, which allows a
                  dynamic acquisition of the viewable surface of an
                  object. Starting from the mathematic and geometric
                  modeling of the acquisition process, an acquisition
                  system is developed and the calibration process of
                  the equipment used, consisting a turntable, a CCD
                  camera and two laserdiodes, is described. After
                  this, the surface reconstruction and the
                  determination of the real 3d object coordinates out
                  of their 2d projection in the camera plane is
                  derived. Based on this fundamentals, a Next View
                  Planning Technique is motivated and an adaptive
                  algorithm is specified. The thesis concludes with
                  expermimental results and an outlook on future
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